Deciphering Pharmacophore Models

Metabolic integration by PPARs. Evans, R., Barish, G. & Wang, YX. PPARs and the complex journey to obesity. Nat Med 10, 355–361 (2004).
Graphical Abstract. Ballav S, Biswas B, Sahu VK, Ranjan A, Basu S. PPAR-γ Partial Agonists in Disease-Fate Decision with Special Reference to Cancer. Cells. 2022; 11(20):3215.
Known effects of PPARγ activation. Ahmadian, M., Suh, J., Hah, N. et al. PPARγ signaling and metabolism: the good, the bad and the future. Nat Med 19, 557–566 (2013).

QSAR: Chemical Biology on Roids

CCR2 appears to have two distinct functional populations, one that regulates migration and one involved in scavenging. Thomas M. Shroka et al. The dual-function chemokine receptor CCR2 drives migration and chemokine scavenging through distinct mechanisms.Sci. Signal.16,eabo4314(2023). doi:10.1126/scisignal.abo4314
Illustrating the contemporary perspective on cardiac macrophage heterogeneity under steady state and disease condition. Yerra VG, Advani A. Role of CCR2-Positive Macrophages in Pathological Ventricular Remodelling. Biomedicines. 2022; 10(3):661.
Schematic diagram of CCL2 signaling. Fei L, Ren X, Yu H and Zhan Y (2021) Targeting the CCL2/CCR2 Axis in Cancer Immunotherapy: One Stone, Three Birds? Front. Immunol. 12:771210. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.771210

Pharmacophore Models of ATP Synthase Beta Subunit-Binding Ligands

Graphical Abstract. Wang, T., Ma, F. & Qian, H. (2021). Defueling the cancer: ATP synthase as an emerging target in cancer therapy. Molecular Therapy Oncology December 2021, 23:82-95. doi:
ATP synthase beta subunit ligands used in the pharmacophore modeling process. Lee C-H, Huang H-C, Juan H-F. Reviewing Ligand-Based Rational Drug Design: The Search for an ATP Synthase Inhibitor. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2011; 12(8):5304-5318.

Drug Discovery, Brighter than Ever

Study DOI: 10.3390%2Fijms12085304

Engr. Dex Marco Tiu Guibelondo, B.Sc. Pharm, R.Ph., B.Sc. CpE

Editor-in-Chief, PharmaFEATURES

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