Launching New Brand Logo & Brand Message

November 3, 2021 By admin
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What motivated Data Foundry AI to rebrand?

It would be unfair to say that the events of the pandemic didn’t change us. The challenges we faced forced us to recognize how we could improve life sciences
practices.Due to this, we had an opportunity to consider what is important and what is truly important to us.

For us,it was to contribute to the well being of mankind.

“As a result of the pandemic, we saw a growth in what we did and had to give
shape to our vision of what we were and what we could do to change lives.”
Vivek Kalagara, (Founder and CEO)

Our vision evolved. Our focus became more narrowed on Life Sciences.

Data, AI, and Life Sciences integration are important components of our evolution in to a new, more refined, and mature version of ourselves.We needed a visual brand that reflected our experience and growth.Let us reintroduce ourselves.

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