AI algorithms now design molecules from scratch, optimizing pharmacological profiles through iterative learning.
AI-driven de novo protein design is transforming the way scientists approach molecular engineering.
Polaritonic chemistry steers, inhibits, and catalyzes chemical processes at room temperature, controlled by parameters like cavity mirror spacing.
The encapsulation of norfloxacin in PEBSA-based microparticles marks a transformative development in antibiotic delivery.
Targeting osteopontin could redefine the landscape of cancer therapy, transforming resistance into a treatable challenge.
Histidine-lysine (HK) peptides could transform siRNA therapeutics, enabling personalized cancer care and tackling untreatable conditions.
By targeting ferroptosis, apoptosis, and autophagy while modulating MYC, TG1 disrupts the intricate survival networks of CRC cells.
Despite advances, key gaps in understanding insulin resistance persist, including CNS diagnostics, brain-periphery interactions, and apoE isoform roles, highlighting critical research priorities for new treatments.
As medicine moves toward precision approaches, the role of glucocorticoids in trauma care warrants careful reconsideration.
In the era of precision medicine, the golden age of nanotechnology is just beginning.
As our understanding of AUD’s genetic and molecular landscape deepens, so does the potential for innovative treatments that go beyond traditional approaches.
The precise delivery of therapeutic proteins is no longer just an aspiration—it is an urgent requirement in the development of next-generation treatments.
Boron cluster-based molecular carriers like IBC-Pr may pave the way for a new generation of intracellular delivery systems that overcome the limitations of traditional approaches.
DHKNase-6 represents a paradigm shift in ROS-targeted therapies
The exploration of glucagon-responsive micelles and polymer conjugates offers a promising advancement in the field of diabetes management.
Targeted liposomal therapeutics mark a shift toward precise and less toxic disease treatments.
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