In vitro biological research has seen a significant shift towards the adoption of 3D cell culture models, including cellular aggregates, microtissues, spheroids, and complex organoid models. These 3D culture systems offer distinct advantages over traditional 2D cultures, such as better physiological cellular organization, enhanced cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix communications, and improved cellular differentiation and signaling.

Illustration of microtissue fabrication by assembling in space different types of engineered cell aggregates. Emblematic assembly techniques are displayed with popular multicellular structures such as aggregates, spheroids, and organoids. Eke G, Vaysse L, Yao X, Escudero M, Carrière A, Trevisiol E, Vieu C, Dani C, Casteilla L, Malaquin L. Cell Aggregate Assembly through Microengineering for Functional Tissue Emergence. Cells. 2022; 11(9):1394.

Organoids, in particular, are complex 3D systems that mimic tissue-specific organogenesis, cellular heterogeneity, cytoarchitectures, and functions. Consequently, 3D culture systems hold great promise for fundamental research, drug development, personalized medicine, and regenerative medicine.

How Are Organoids Made? Scientists grow stem cells in the presence of different substrates to mimic development and intercellular interactions. They typically harvest and induce stem cell aggregates to create cell types found in one of the three germ layers. During normal development, these germ layers give rise to specific tissue types, and scientists emulate this process to grow organoids that recapitulate structural and functional features of different tissues in vitro. Zieba, J. (2022). What Are Organoids and How Are They Made? The Scientist. Retrieved from

Advances in 3D Culture Methods

The growing popularity of 3D cultures has spurred the development of various methods and protocols for their generation. These methods include low-adherence culture plates for 3D cell culture in suspension, bioreactors that allow large-volume dynamic flow conditions to improve oxygenation, and microfluidic chips known as organ-on-chip systems that precisely control fluid flows and replicate the cellular microenvironment.

Characteristics and Advantages of Adherent Cell Culture. faCellitate. (2022). Adherent culture Vs Suspension culture.
Characteristics and Advantages of Suspension Cell Culture. faCellitate. (2022). Adherent culture Vs Suspension culture.
Bioreactor Media Gas Control. A bioreactor typically refers to a device or system that supports a biologically active environment. A bioreactor can be a vessel in which a chemical process is carried out which involves organisms or biochemically active substances derived from such organisms. A cell culture bioreactor refers to a device or system meant to grow cells or tissues in the context of cell culture. Bioreactor processes can either be aerobic or anaerobic, but successful processes require effective management and quality control of dissolved gas composition (O2 and CO2) and pH within the media, whether in a stirred tank or perfusion bioreactor. In many cases, it is desirable to add gases such as oxygen or to eliminate CO2 to maintain the bio-processes viable, and to enable high production rates. PermSelect. (2024). Bubble-Free Sparging & Aeration Control in Bioreactors: Gentle Agitation, Effective Gassing & CO2 Stripping. Retrieved from
What are Organs-on-Chips? An Organ-on-Chip is a single- or multi-channel device, containing living (engineered) organs or tissues, that are cultured under controlled conditions in a smart, dynamic environment. They recapitulate the architecture and function of these tissues in organs of the intact human body. Their flexibility allows the chips to mimic vasculature and blood or lymphatic flow, muscle contraction and breathing motion. Tissues can be derived from healthy individuals or patients, thus enabling studies of organ function and mechanisms underlying (genetic) disease, facilitating discovery of new therapeutics and monitoring toxic effects of drugs real-time. By combining multiple organs in a chip, the physiology of combined parts of the human body might be reproduced. Organ-on-Chip technology is widely regarded as a potential game-changer for many applications and might offer a potential alternative for traditional cell and animal models.. hDMT. (2024). Organ-on-Chip Technology. Retrieved from

Additionally, bioengineering strategies such as the use of 3D scaffolds and bioprinting have provided researchers with greater control over critical parameters, including fluid flows, nutrient and oxygen supply, and waste management.

Concept of tissue engineering. Kloczko, E., Nikkhah, D. & Yildrimer, L. (2015). Scaffolds for hand tissue engineering: The importance of surface topography. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), March 2015, 40(9);
doi: 10.1177/1753193415571308.

Examples of biomaterials used in bone tissue engineering. Kloczko, E., Nikkhah, D. & Yildrimer, L. (2015). Scaffolds for hand tissue engineering: The importance of surface topography. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), March 2015, 40(9); doi: 10.1177/1753193415571308.

Challenges in Transitioning from 2D to 3D Cultures

Transitioning from 2D to 3D culture systems presents unique challenges, particularly in assessing cell viability over time. Historically, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity assays have been used to assess cellular viability in 2D cultures. LDH, a cytoplasmic enzyme present in almost all cell types, is released into the extracellular environment when the cell membrane is damaged. The LDH activity assay is based on the enzymatic conversion of lactate to pyruvate by LDH, resulting in the production of a detectable colored or luminescent molecule. The amount detected correlates with the cell viability in the culture conditions.

What is lactate dehydrogenase? Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), also known as lactic acid dehydrogenase, is an oxidoreductase enzyme that can transfer electrons. During glycolysis, glucose is transformed into pyruvate, which is metabolized to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the citric acid cycle and via oxidative phosphorylation. When oxygen is absent or limited, LDH catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate through a reversible reaction known as the anaerobic pathway. Tiarks, G. (2024). Lactate Dehydrogenase: What Is It, Function, Treatment, and More. Retrieved from

Implementing the LDH assay in 3D cell cultures faces several challenges, including the need for a robust normalization step. In 2D cultures, LDH activity is usually normalized by the number of seeded cells, the LDH activity in cell lysates, or the protein concentration. However, the complexity of 3D cultures makes precise quantification of cell density difficult while preserving culture integrity. Normalizing LDH activity by protein concentration in the conditioned culture medium has emerged as a potential strategy.

Stabilizing LDH Activity for Longitudinal Studies

LDH activity is not stable over time, requiring quantification on fresh conditioned medium for accurate results. This poses a substantial obstacle to longitudinal comparisons. Using a storage buffer to preserve LDH activity at temperatures below −20 °C for several days is one solution. To address these limitations, an optimized LDH activity assay protocol specifically tailored for 3D cell cultures has been developed. This approach integrates a normalization method based on the quantification of total protein content in the conditioned culture medium and the characterization of a dedicated preservation buffer capable of maintaining LDH stability at −20 °C for one month.

Methodology for LDH Assay Optimization

Human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were used to generate cerebral organoids following established protocols. The organoids were exposed to valproic acid, a known neurotoxin, at two concentrations to demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimized LDH assay in normalizing cytotoxicity levels between the organoids.

Schematic of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) and human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) derivation protocols. (a) ESCs are derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst, whereas (b) iPSCs can be derived from a variety of somatic cell types using a variety of reprogramming techniques. Commonly used assays to determine the equivalence of hESCs and hiPSCs at the molecular and functional levels are listed in the table on the right. Narsinh, K.H., Plews, J. & Wu, J.C. (2011). Comparison of Human Induced Pluripotent and Embryonic Stem Cells: Fraternal or Identical Twins? Molecular Therapy 19(4): 635-638; doi:

To preserve LDH activity, a conditioned medium (CM) was mixed with an LDH-preservation buffer containing Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as a stabilizing agent. Aliquots of CM sampled from cerebral organoids were frozen with or without the preservation buffer and analyzed monthly over four months. The preservation buffer comprised Tris-HCl buffer solution, glycerol, and BSA.

Results and Discussion

The optimized LDH assay demonstrated that the preservation buffer extended LDH stability for up to a month at −20 °C. Consistent LDH levels were observed prior to a decline after one month of storage compared to samples without the buffer. Loss of LDH activity in CM without the buffer was evident after one week at −20 °C, with a total loss of activity after three months.

The presence of BSA in the preservation buffer necessitated adapted dilutions to prevent signal saturation. Bicinchoninic assay (BCA) with CMB samples diluted in distilled water indicated that the preservation buffer maintained the proportionality between protein concentration and absorbance, ensuring linearity. Discrepancies emerged when converting absorbance to protein concentration using a BSA standard curve. Luminescence-based LDH detection revealed signal saturation at the most concentrated dilutions. Optimal CMB dilutions ranged from 1/2.5 to 1/4 with distilled water.

Principle of the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay. Cu 2+ is reduced to Cu 1+ by protein (containing cysteine, cysteine, tyrosine and/ or tryptophan amino acid residues) under alkaline conditions. Cu 1+ then interacts with BCA to form a purple BCA-coper complex. Lewies, A. (2018). An in vitro evaluation of the antibacterial and anticancer properties of the antimicrobial peptide nisin Z. July 2018; doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26416.66564.

The optimized LDH assay was validated with cerebral organoids exposed to valproic acid. Exposure to 10 mM VPA significantly elevated LDH levels compared to controls, indicating high cytotoxicity. Exposure to 1 mM VPA showed no significant impact on LDH levels, consistent with literature findings that VPA at this concentration impairs cortical development without affecting organoid morphological integrity.

A Standardized Framework for 3D Culture Analyses

The development of this refined LDH assay represents an advancement in addressing the challenges associated with longitudinal monitoring of 3D culture viability. By tailoring the standard LDH assay to accommodate the specific constraints of 3D systems, the proposed normalization and long-term storage methodologies facilitate the transition of this routine test from 2D to 3D. This enhanced LDH assay not only paves the way for the development of quantification techniques adapted to the analysis of conditioned media from 3D cultures, but also broadens the scope of cellular viability assessment in 3D. Integration of this method in routine characterization of 3D cultures holds great promise for enhancing the versatility of these models and for advancing various biomedical and toxicological applications that rely on cytotoxicity evaluations.

Engr. Dex Marco Tiu Guibelondo, B.Sc. Pharm, R.Ph., B.Sc. CpE

Editor-in-Chief, PharmaFEATURES

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